France National Grid Status
Demand: This is the total demand of the entire country (excluding exports) less any unmetered generating sources like wind and domestic solar installations. France's total demand reflects not only its domestic demand but also its place as a major supplier of base-load and renewable balancing power to Western Europe.
Demand 55.17GW
Nuclear: Frances primary electicity generating technology. Surplus is exported across Europe. Variations in output are either signs that reactors have been deliberately throttled to match lower demand, or that refuelling or maintenance is ongoing.
Nuclear 43.72GW
Hydroelectric power: France has a significant number of hydro-electric stations (mainly in the Alpine foothills) which are used to deliver a considerable amount of electricity, and also balance the grid against fluctuations in European renewable sources
Hydro 9.53GW
Gas: France has little reliance on gas but it has a few gas power stations that run as base load in winter.
Gas 4.29GW
Coal: Coal is not a large contributor to the French grid. Coal plants are now restricted in running hours for emissions, so tend to run in winter when prices are higher.
Coal 0.00GW
Oil: These are stations running thick fuel oil or bunker oil or in some cases diesel.
Oil 0.11GW
Biomass: These power stations are either (parts of) old coal plants that have been converted to run on biomass, or purpose built biomass burners, or municipal waste burning stations.
Biomass 0.98GW
Pumped Storage: France has a single pumped storage power station - The Grand'Maison Dam capable of absorbing 1.8GW and delivering 2.4GW. Unlike the UK France only records the energy beng stored, not delivered. That is included in hydro. In general it is replenished whenever there is surplus power on the grid.
Pumped -0.00GW
Solar: This is the metered solar farms. Yes, don't ask me why there is 10MW at night, a fact that is airbrushed out of RTE's user friendly website...
Solar 2.27GW
Wind: This is the total contributed by metered wind farms. The variability of wind leads to very high fluctuations in output, more or less in step across the whole of Western Europe.
Wind 1.87GW
European frequency: Most of Western Europe is synchronised to a commmon frequency, with all member countries participating to keep the stability.
European frequency 0.000Hz
German Exports: Germany exports its surplus of renewable energy to France by day, or when the wind is high, but at night or when the wind is low it imports.
The impact of Germany's Energiewiende, especially solar, can be seen in terms of the wildly fluctuating value of the import/export balance.
Germany -3.40GW
Belgian exports: Belgium is largely nuclear, but has some coal and gas, and a little 'renewable' capability. It is usually a net importer of power from France.
Belgium 0.00GW
Italian exports: Italy has a deficit of power and relies on French nuclear power to enable it to function alongside its predominantly gas powered grid, with some hydroelectricity and pumped storage. 10% of Italy's electricity is imported, mainly from France.
Italy -1.97GW
Swiss exports: Switzerland has good hydro and nuclear of its own, but not quite enough and relies on France to make up the balance.
Switzerland -1.89GW
Spanish exports: Spain has an increasing amount of renewable energy, and when it works it's a net exporter, at other times it imports to supplement its mainly gas powered grid, with a little nuclear and hydro.
Spain 2.20GW
UK exports: This is the 2GW connector to England. Generally the UK is a net importer, but at times of low renewable energy the UK coal and gas stations are able to top up the European Grid.
UK -2.70GW
Daily Dm'd/Nuclear/Hydro/Pump (GW)
Weekly Dm'd/Nuclear/Hydro/Pump (GW)
Monthly Dm'd/Nuclear/Hydro/Pump (GW)
Yearly Dm'd/Nuclear/Hydro/Pump (GW)
Daily Coal/Gas/Oil/Solar/Bio/Wind (GW)
Weekly Coal/Gas/Oil/Solar/Bio/Wind (GW)
Monthly Coal/Gas/Oil/Solar/Bio/Wind (GW)
Yearly Coal/Gas/Oil/Solar/Bio/Wind (GW)
Daily Germany/Belgium/UK (GW)
Weekly Germany/Belgium/UK (GW)
Monthly Germany/Belgium/UK (GW)
Yearly Germany/Belgium/UK(GW)
Daily Switzerland/Spain/Italy (GW)
Weekly Switzerland/Spain/Italy (GW)
Monthly Switzerland/Spain/Italy (GW)
Yearly Switzerland/Spain/Italy (GW)
Data last recorded on
Monday 3rd of March, 2025 at 16:30
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